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Halperin, Christina T., Jose Luis Garrido, Miriam Salas, Jean-Baptiste Le Moine, Miguel Cano, Carlos Gomez-Cruz, Marta Perea, Yasmine Flynn-Arajdal, Maria Fernanda Lopez Lopez

2023 Coyunturas y continuidades en la larga historia de la antigua ciudad de Ucanal: Una mirada desde sus sistemas de manejo de agua, residencias y arquitectura ceremonial. Paper presented at the XXXVI Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología de Guatemala, Guatemala.

Yasmine Flynn-Arajdal, Christina T. Halperin, Carolyn Freiwald, Katherine Miller Wolf, and Miriam Salas

2023 Ancient and Contemporary Maya Ruins as Living Landscapes. Invited paper presented at the at the 88th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in the Session, The Movement of People and Ideas in Eastern Mesoamerica during the 9th and 10th Centuries CE: A Multidisciplinary Approach, organized by Vera Tiesler and Simon Martin, March 30, Portland.


Freiwald, Carolyn, Christina Halperin, Camille Dubois-Francoeur and Jacob Harris

2023 Late Classic Maya bone tool production and use at Ucanal, Guatemala. Invited paper presented at the at the 88th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in the Session, Recent Advances in Zooarchaeological Methods, organized by Nicolas Delsol and Arianne Boileau, April 1, Portland.


LeMoine, Jean-Baptiste, Christina T. Halperin, Jose Luis Garrido Lopez and Ryan Mongelluzzo

2023 K’anwitznal: 6 years of cartography at the site of Ucanal, Guatemala. Paper presented at the at the 88th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, March 30, Portland.

Halperin, Christina T.

2021 Extranjeros y cambios en las tierras bajas mayas del sur durante el período Clásico Terminal: Perspectivas desde investigaciones recientes en Ucanal, Petén, Guatemala. Invited paper presented virtually at Casa Herrera, Antigua, Guatemala and the University of Texas, Austin, August 26, 2021.

Miller Wolf, Katherine

2021 Using the Patella to Estimate Sex in a Terminal Classic Maya Bone Deposit of Commingled Human Remains. Poster presented virtually at the Annual American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA) Meeting, April 7-28, 2021.

Halperin, Christina T.

2020 Le recyclage chez les mayas. Invited paper presented virtually at the Conférence ArchéoVendredis at the l’Université de Laval, November 20, 2020, Quebec City.

Halperin, Christina T., Jose Luis Garrido, Miriam Salas, and Jean-Baptiste Le Moine

2019 En la Encrucijada: Afiliaciones Políticas, Económicas, y Culturales en el Sitio Arqueológico de Ucanal, Petén, Guatemala. Paper presented at the XXXIII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología de Guatemala, Guatemala.


Hruby, Zachary X., Christina T. Halperin, Murielle Gariépy, Ginette Bourgeois, Lindsay Powell

2019 Obsidiana en la transición entre el Clásico Tardío y el Clásico Terminal: Nuevos datos de Ucanal, Petén, Guatemala. Paper presented at the XXXIII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología de Guatemala, Guatemala.


Freiwald, Carolyn, Camille Dubois-Francoeur, Jacob Harris, and Christina Halperin

2019 Human and Animal Bone Tool Production at the Maya site of Ucanal, Guatemala. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Meeting of the Worked Bone Research Group Annual Meeting, October 7-12, 2019, Université de Montréal, Montreal.


Flynn-Arajdal, Yasmine, Christina T. Halperin, Katherine Miller Wolf, Jean-François Hélie, and André Poirier

2019  Social identities and isotopic analyses of the burials from the Maya site of Ucanal, Petén, Guatemala. Poster presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology April 10-14, 2019, Albuquerque, NM.


Halperin, Christina T., Jose Luis Garrido, and Jean-Baptiste Le Moine

2019 Convergence Zone Politics and Cultural Affiliations at the Archaeological Site of Ucanal, Peten, Guatemala. Paper presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology April 10-14, 2019, Albuquerque, NM, in the session, “Making and Breaking Boundaries in the Maya Lowlands: Alliance and Conflict Across the Guatemala – Belize Border,” organized by Christina T. Halperin and Carolyn Freiwald.


Hruby, Zachary X., Jaime Awe, Christina T. Halperin, and Catharina Santasilia

2019 A Comparison of Lithic Caches from Ucanal and Xunantunich: Is It Possible to Identify Eccentric Traditions as Communities of Practice at the Regional Level. Paper presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, April 10-14, 2019, Albuquerque, NM, in the session, “Ceremonial Lithics of Mesoamerica,” organized by Zachary X. Hruby.


Flynn-Arajdal, Yasmine, Christina T. Halperin, Katherine Miller Wolf, Jean-François Hélie, and André Poirier

2018  Identités sociales et analyse isotopique des enterrements d'Ucanal, Petén, Guatemala. Poster presented at the Geotop Centre de recherche sur la dynamique du système Terre Student Congress, March 2018, Montréal, QC.


Garrido López, Jose Luis

2018 Ucanal: Un asentamiento prehispánico maya inmerso en la política social y cultural del Clásico Terminal. Paper presented at the Casa Herrera, Mesoamerica Center, Fundación Pantaleón & University of Texas at Austin, Antigua Guatemala, September 8, 2018. 


Halperin, Christina T., Jean-Baptiste Le Moine, and Enrique Perez-Zambrano

2018 Infrastructures of Moving Water at a Terminal Classic Maya site in Petén, Guatemala. Invited paper presented at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology April 11-15, 2018, Washington D.C., in the session, “Archaeologies of Infrastructure: Material Relations and Human Histories,” organized by Christopher Morehart and Andrew Bauer.


Halperin, Christina T. Jose Luis Garrido, Edwin Roman, Ryan Mongelluzzo, Carlos Cruz, Jean-Baptiste LeMoine, Enrique Perez Zamprano, Andre Rivas

2018 Resultados de las investigaciones de la 3ra Temporada de Campo del Proyecto Arqueológico Ucanal. Paper presented at the XXXII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Instituto de Antropología e Historia (IDAEH), Guatemala City.


Halperin, Christina T.

2017 The Weight of Ritual: Classic Maya Jade Head Pendants in the Round.  Invited paper presented at the Sibley Conference, Scaling Up and Scaling Down: Dialogues among Miniatures, Monuments, and “Life-size”, February 17-21, 2017, organized by Julia Guernsey and Cathy Costin, University of Texas, Austin. 


2017 Profane Illuminations: Molded Maya Figurines in Comparative Context. Invited paper presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology March 29-April 2, 2017, Vancouver, British Columbia in the session, “Molding Matter: Technologies of Reproduction in the Pre-Columbian Americas” organized by Mallory Matsumoto and Stephen Houston.


Garrido, José Luis and Christina T. Halperin

2017 Resultados de los primeros dos años de investigaciones del Proyecto Arqueológico Ucanal. Paper presented at the Conferencía de Arqueología at the Centro Universitario de Petén (CUDEP), Universidad de San Carlos, Guatemala, April 5, 2017, Santa Elena, Guatemala. 


Halperin, Christina T. and José Luis Garrido

2017 Maya Architectural Recycling, Aesthetics, and Investments at the end of the Classic period. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Chacmool Conference, November 8-11, 2017, in the session ““On the Eve of a Calendar Round Cycle: Reflections and Advancements in Mesoamerican Studies,” organized by Karen Bassie and Christina T. Halperin, University of Calgary, Calgary.


Halperin, Christina T., Zachary X. Hruby, and Ryan W. Mongelluzzo

2017 Wearing Down the Royal Body: Classic Maya Jade Ornaments. Invited paper at the 50th Annual Chacmool Conference, November 8-11, 2017, in the session, “Cross-cultural Approaches to Mesoamerican Costume and Identity”, organized by Sharisse McCafferty, University of Calgary, Calgary.


Halperin, Christina T. Jose Garrido, Ryan Mongeluzzo, Miriam Salas, Katie Miller Wolf

2017 Resultados de las investigaciones de la 2da Temporada de Campo 

del Proyecto Arqueológico Ucanal. Paper presented at the XXIX Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Instituto de Antropología e Historia (IDAEH), Guatemala City.


Halperin, Christina T.

2016 Cosmopolitan Maya Women: Rethinking Interregional Interactions during the Late Classic to Postclassic periods.       Invited paper presented at 13th Annual Tulane University Maya Symposium, New Orleans, Louisiana. 


2016 Cosmopolitan Maya Women: Rethinking Interregional Interactions during the Late Classic to Postclassic periods        (ca. 600-1521 CE). Invited paper presented at Department of Anthropology, McGill University, Visiting Speakers Series,     February 5, Montréal, Quebec. 


2015 Cosmopolitanism: New Theoretical Considerations of the Mesoamerican Epiclassic. Invited paper presented at the   80th Annual Society for American Archaeology Meetings in the session, "Reconsidering the “Epic” in the                            Mesoamerican Epiclassic Period," organized by Andrew Turner and Cynthia Kristan-Graham, San Francisco, CA.


Halperin, Christina T., Jose Garrido, Ryan Mongeluzzo, Griselda Pérez, Marc Wolf, Justin Bracken 

2015 El crecimiento de las organizaciones políticas del Clásico Terminal en las Tierras Bajas Mayas del sur: Nuevas perspectivas desde el Sitio de Ucanal, Petén, Guatemala. Paper presented at the XXIX Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Instituto de Antropología e Historia (IDAEH), Guatemala City.

©2024 by Proyecto Arqueológico Ucanal

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